Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20

I learned a new stamping method... making my own stamp pad with cut felt and acrylic paint... then played with what would make a line.... a piece of cardboard, an old credit card, bits of Popsicle stick...
but after the lines it needed more texture, so first I wrote about what I was doing all over the bottom in pencil.... and then cut up a page of an old book and put some in the trees and some going horizontally along the bottom. It is not done, but as yet it has not told me what else it wants to say.
Then I tackled the book cover... just the front so far... with this self-portrait (they are ALL self-portraits aren't they?) which does not look at all like me. But it is a bit how I feel right now... a little fragile... and my eyes are not seeing the world correctly, I don't think...
I keep adding color and playing at the hair... yellowish gray hair is the dickens to get right.
but here, this one is getter... finally have gotten some nice green-purple tones in and the hair color almost spot-on. Should it say something... does it need a word or words. I don't know.
And then this project from last week. Yes a mailbox. By golly I will paint anything... and this one was so dreary I could no longer bear it...
so hauled out all the left over paint I've been storing in the closet and gave it a bit of a facelift.
Sunflowers are cheery... though mine look more like large daisies ...
I had thought originally that I would paint a blue background and make the numbers black... but I quite liked it with the brown, plus the sun was burning holes into my no-sunscreen toes and making the paint dry just about the same time it hit the mailbox...

So there you go... I am keeping occupied... and I have not taken any pictures of the community garden which is coming along nicely. I have completed my raised bed and no-dig garden area and can relax until it is time to plant which will not be until cooler weather makes it's way back into the valley...

Oh! and my class at PVCC is a definite go... there is still time to register if you know anyone who is interested. Tah da, Tah da Tah da!

1 comment:

  1. the mailbox is a definite improvement! It looks great
