Monday, June 6, 2011

arts n' crafts

Last Friday the boys were over and I pulled out paints,brushes, pens, oil pastels, stamps and stencils and all the ideas I'd gotten from the Jane LaFazio workshop I had taken in Costa Mesa a few weeks before. While P. above did his own thing (he's five... notice he has written - I gave him the letters - 'two monsters' but from right to left) W and I played at experimenting with color texture and media.

After we practiced doing everything, W. (7)decided to start another picture... one with trees and stamped leaves... he had seen a drawing in my book from the JL workshop and wondered how I did it... so we found a picture of a motorcycle, put tissue paper over it, drew around the image and then glued it onto his picture... he was leery of the process at first but once he saw the line drawing in his landscape he was excited about coloring it in.
here's a close-up...
and this is my little painted page... as the boys painted and drew, so did I... I couldn't believe it when we had spent over two hours drawing, painting, experimenting. I think it was all the selection of media that kept their interest up.
and then there are these little mosaic's ... the one above done for second daughter. Her house number... once I started I decided to do one
for me.... and then because I'd promised to a house number above the garage door I had painted I am doing a bigger one for

1 comment:

  1. I love the number mosaics! are they framed? it's difficult for me to tell.
