Saturday, June 12, 2010

getting things done

This week, I've not gotten too much done. Or at least what I have gotten done has felt piece-meal. My mother would say, you have nothing to show for it.

This will be the change I need to make as I ease into this different part of my life. Reforming my structure, my daily flow... Years ago, when the kids were home, I kept to a schedule of sorts... or at least I feel like I fit more into a day. In the past few years since everyone had gone off to build their own lives the only structure I've had was going to work and during vacation times I just lived a kind of formless existence. This won't do in the long term... but this week I've bounced about in true summer vacation fashion, doing bits here and bits there and as I look around I see lots of things begun but little nearing completion.

So where to start? My sister told me it took her husband six months to develop a schedule. And I imagine that might be a conservative estimate for how long this transition might take, but in the short term I need to get a few things done. So today I make a short-term to-do list. Something I can check off. Something I can work at daily without any task taking an entire day. Plus I will set aside time every day for creative endeavors. And last, I will document my progress daily in photos and here on this blog.

Really, for me, that is a pretty tall order... but this blog is to be about choices and happiness... and for at least today, I think this is the right direction.

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