Saturday, July 3, 2010

cutting boards tables lighting grumble

I have this big cutting board. The old fashioned kind that will take an arm off if you are not careful. I've always know that it was not quite true... that I wouldn't necessarily get a true square, but more of a rhomboid. Frustrating, but I have a pretty good eye, when I have enough light(next paragraph) so most of my cuts are square enough for my purposes.... but today I realized that 12 inches on the cutting board is really more like eleven and three quarters... I need 12" to be 12" and 6" to be 6.... can I tape a piece of graph paper to the board to correct this or do I have to get yet another piece of equipment?

I would like two 36" by 6' tables to work on... the fact that I have no room for these kind of tables is irrelevant. I have bits of project spread about this house right now... maybe two big tables in one room would not cure this... maybe I am the kind of person that wanders about and creates little piles of project... a needle here, a bit of paper there, some ribbon and a stamp pad in a different location....

But if I had a room with really great lighting... I do, really, my kitchen, where there is no room for two tables, one holding the antique cutting board and the new, really measures 12" one... with two large tables and enough room to stand back a bit and view my work... well maybe then I could keep the rest of the clutter to one spot.

When the weather cools enough to work outside, my patio will become a perfect work area... until then I'll test the graph paper theory and just keep making books and knitting here and there about the house, in the dark.

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